Resources 2


What is Copyright?

From books to movies, songs to software, websites to videos, creative works and interesting content surround us. But have you ever wondered how these works are protected from unauthorized use or copying?

The answer: copyright.


Copyright is a type of intellectual property legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution for a limited time. Essentially, it’s a protective shield and a type of limited monopoly for creativity which allows creators to financially exploit what they create.

Key Features of Copyright:

Protection: Copyright safeguards original works from being used, copied, or distributed without the creator’s permission.

Original Works: Copyright covers a wide range of creations, including books, music, films, paintings, photographs, sculptures, and more.

Duration: For works created after January 1, 1978, copyrights typically last for the creator’s lifetime plus 70 years. After that time, the work enters the public domain for anyone to use.

Benefits of Copyright:

Control: Creators can decide how their works are used, shared, or sold.

Monetary Rewards: Copyright allows creators to earn money from their works, either by selling them, licensing them, or through royalties.

Promotion of Creativity: Knowing that their creations are protected, artists and creators are more likely to share and innovate, thereby enriching our culture and society.


Copyright is a strong incentive for creators to conceive and create by ensuring that their blood, sweat, and tears invested in producing original works are protected. It promotes creativity, innovation, and the spread of knowledge to the public while ensuring creators are rewarded for their efforts.


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